If you have an idea for a new club, contact Vice President of Club Activities.
FERA Constitution —— Latest Version 08/15/13
- Clubs (38)
The Ford Employee's Softball Association (FESA) is looking for teams, partial teams, and individual players, to play at Rotunda Fields for the 2018 season. We have openings each night of the week as follow:
Night League Secretary Email
Monday: Ford Men's League Mike Parsons parsons@provide.net
Tuesday: Men's Over 40 League Jim Gordon gordonj@htdconnect.com
Wednesday: Ford Men's League Scott Grywacheski sgrywach@ford.com
Thursday: Ford Men's League Mike Parsons mparson1@ford.com
Ayman Mustafa coachayms@gmail.com
Friday: Draft Softball League Rich Beers rsbeers@comcast.net
Why play ball at Rotunda Fields? We are located in East Dearborn on Rotunda Drive. Our complex is run by Ford Employees who volunteer their time to make sure we have a softball program at Ford. There is no charge for parking or gate admission for league play. Also, teams are allowed to bring their own food and beverage to the complex. There is a covered pavilion with BBQ grills, plus picnic tables around the complex.
League game start times vary from 5:20pm to 7:40pm very few games have a start time later than 7:40pm the number of games varies by league (varying between 15 and 25 games). The leagues will start at the beginning of May and finish in August. Here are the specifics for the M/W/Th Ford men's leagues:
You may have as many people on your roster as you think you need. Teams are allowed non Ford players--there is no restriction on how many.
Men's leagues start at 5:30pm/6:00pm and games could be scheduled as late as 7:40pm (not many of those). Game time is 1 hour 5 minutes (no inning may start after…). Some single games with many DHs during the season.
Team entry Fee for M/W/TH men's leagues is $675.00 plus the umpire, who is paid on the field. We play a 19-22 game regular season schedule, plus a tournament (involving the teams from M-W-TH) at the end of the season.
The 1st manager's meeting for the men’s M/W/Th leagues is in April 2018, time and place TBD (however, attendance is NOT required).
If you are a player looking for a team, have a full team, or just a partial team that you want to keep together, send your contact information, along with a brief resume and the kind of team/league you are looking for, and we will forward your name/team on to our Managers. All ability levels of players are welcome. We attempt to set up divisions so that teams play other similar ability teams. FESA does not assign players to teams, but almost all players looking for a team are signed by a team. So come out and play! It's the great American pastime!
Get more information by contacting FESA President Mike Parsons (parsons@provide.net, 734-904-8496), or any of the secretaries listed above.
The Ford Tennis Club is a member-club of FERA, Ford Employee Recreation Association. Established in 1947, it is one of the charter member-clubs of FERA. The objectives of the Club include promoting the sport of tennis, building a rapport with other players, enhancing tennis skills, and HAVING FUN!
With nearly 75 years of tradition and experience, our club’s offerings have become very diverse, with year-round activities that will surely have something that will appeal to everyone. Please take a spin around this website to discover all of our activities, including the trips, events and parties. Our ski trips are renowned for great value for the dollar, with experienced leaders and well-organized, fun-packed agendas.
You’ll see that our club provides a friendly atmosphere for its members who are interested in skiing and snowboarding as well as social activities, travel and other sports activities ……canoeing ……..golf ……..theatre trips…..we’ve got it all!!
Toastmasters Clubs practice the time-proven Toastmasters International program to improve communication, public speaking and leadership skills in a safe, supportive and fun environment. Members progress thru the Toastmasters manual of 10 speeches. When you complete the 10 speeches you become a CC (competent communicator) which you would put on your resume & employment record. It is recognized all over the world. All speeches are evaluated by other members. We also do table topics at each meeting, where each member and guest present is given an opportunity to speak impromptu for 2 minutes on a surprise topic. You can come as a guest as often as you like to see what it is like. Dues are $51 for 6 months plus a $20 one-time initiation fee. In India and China, Ford will pay your dues. In FNA, agency employees will often be reimbursed for Toastmaster dues by the agency company.
Toastmasters has grown to 9 clubs at Ford:
The clubs are:
Credible Communicators every Monday 4:30-5:30 pm Ford Credit
Fairlane Toastmasters 2nd & 4th Tues 11:30-12:30 ITHQC
Ford Toastmasters every Thurs 11:45 – 12:45 PDC
Italk Toastmasters 1st and 3rd Thurs 11:30-12:30 Itek
RCB Toastmasters 2nd & 3rd Wed 11:30-12:30 Regent Court Rm
Ford Australia Toastmasters 1st & 3rd Wed 12 – 1 Campbellfield, Australia
Ford Chennai Toastmasters every Wed 12-1:30 Chennai, India
Blue Oval Toastmasters every Tues 2:30-3:30 New Delhi, India
Ford Shanghai Toastmasters every Thurs 11:30-12:30 Shanghai, China
If you have any more questions, don’t hesitate to ask.
The Ford Employee Volleyball Association (FEVA) is a Ford Employee Recreation Association Activity Club (FERA). The Ford Employee Recreation Association was established in 1947 for the purpose of developing fellowship and understanding among the Michigan employees of Ford Motor Company through the promotion of social, physical, cultural and special programs.
The Ford Employee Volleyball Association runs a volleyball league that is played on Tuesday nights at the Beechwood facility for the 2006-2007 season. The game times will be 6:30pm, 7:30pm and 8:30pm. The league has three divisions: A, B, and C with A being the most competitive. All three divisions are governed by USAVB rules.
Currently, there are opportunities for whole teams to join the league, as well as opportunities on an individual basis. If you are interested in playing but cannot form a team, please fill out the NEW PLAYER Form, email it to Angela Reed CDSID AREED25 and you will be added to our wait list where captains needing players can call you.
Eric Hunsanger ehunsang@ford.com
Jeremy Foszcz jfoszcz@ford.com
See our websites for more details:
Internal: Sharepoint Site
External: Facebook
Established in 1963 the Ford Wagon Train is a family oriented camping club available to Ford employees and their family and friends who tow with a Ford vehicle, motorhomes with Ford chassis or drive a ford and tent camp. Members of the Wagon Train camp together on the third weekend of every month from April through October. Most of the outings are within an hour or two of the Dearborn area and some a little further since the club is always searching for new campgrounds to explore. Each weekend offers club activities for the club campers to enjoy along with campground events and local sights to explore. The Ford Wagon Train welcomes the casual camper to the full time RVers and everyone in between. Come join our members for a weekend getaway. A typical weekend begins on Friday night at 8:00 PM with a Welcome Wagon where campers can register and catch up with one another Club meeting starts at 8:45 PM where we preview weekend activities and deal with Club business. Then it is time to relax around the many campfires. Saturday Activities for the children, Preps are ages 4-7, Preteens are ages 8-12, and Teens are ages 13-18 are held during the day. Campers provide their own lunch on Saturday. A group dinner takes place at 5:00 PM. The main dish (provided by the club or potluck) and families provide sides and desserts 50/50 drawings take place after dinner. At 7:00 PM, the Family activity takes place (Bingo, Road Rallies, Races, and Hobo Pie Making) with campfires following. Sunday at 8:30 AM - 9:30 AM there is a traditional breakfast provided by the club and then it is time to break Camp and travel home.
If you would like to join us as a guest the Rally fee is $30 and camping fees, for additional information contact shar1963@hotmail.com
The Ford Yacht Club is a family-oriented organization located at the southwestern tip of Grosse Ile, Michigan. The 174 acres of wooded grounds and Round Island provide a very beautiful and secluded setting as the Detroit River merges into Lake Erie. The complex includes a marina facility and a Clubhouse with all the necessary amenities. These offerings provide well-rounded boating and social activities for the enjoyment of the members and guests.
The Ford Yacht Club is a not-for-profit corporation, owned and operated by the members. A Board of Directors elected by the Equity members administers all financial and operating functions.
For the most part, member volunteer effort is used for small or recurring projects and for equipment and facility maintenance. Each member is required to put forth work hours, based on membership status.
The Ford Yan Xin Qigong Club was formed in 1996 as one of affiliated clubs under the Ford Employees Recreation Association (FERA). For more information, please contact us.